Relief/prevention of craving and nicotine withdrawal symptoms associated with tobacco dependence. An aid to smokers wishing to quit or reduce prior to quitting, to assist smokers unwilling or unable to smoke or as a safer alternative to smoking. Indicated in pregnant and lactating women making a quit attempt.
Format and Ingredients
18 years and over who smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day: Abrupt cessation: use the lozenges whenever there is an urge to smoke. Sufficient lozenges should be used each day, usually 8-12. Continue use for up to 6 weeks to break the habit of smoking, then gradually reduce lozenge use. When daily use is 1-2 lozenges, use should be stopped. A healthcare professional should be consulted if having difficulty discontinuing lozenges. Adolescents (12-17 years): follow schedule of treatment described for abrupt cessation. A healthcare professional should be consulted if not ready or not able to quit abruptly. Gradual cessation: use a lozenge whenever there is a strong urge to smoke in order to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked,
then start on the schedule for abrupt cessation. If reduction in cigarette consumption has not been achieved after 6 weeks a healthcare professional should be consulted. Reduction in smoking: use a lozenge whenever there is a strong urge to smoke to reduce the number of cigarettes as far as possible. Temporary abstinence: use a lozenge every 1-2 hours to control withdrawal symptoms including craving. Professional advice should be sought if unable to make a per